Here’s one for fellow creatives. Something’s been weighing on my mind since yesterday morning, when the daily yarn with the coffee lady burped up this pearler: “How do you just keep creating new stuff every day? How do you not run out of juice?” Of course, I laughed…and let her in on our dirty secret. Read more…
Fighting Fatigue: Conquering the Daily Grind
June 21st, 2016Zoning in: curating your work environment
June 6th, 2016This one is a bit left-of-field for my usual drabbles, but something that’s quite important to me as someone who sits behind a computer. Whether your daily grind is in an office, amongst cubicles or from your kitchen table at home, one of the most important aspects of consistent productivity is creating an environment that Read more…
Making the leap: how to work with a designer
April 15th, 2016Recently I had the ultimate pleasure of chatting with Savannah Peterson at Kiwi Landing Pad‘s NZSMJ event in Queenstown, and among all the other wonderful insight she and fellow speakers brought up during the day, was this thought: how does one even work with a Designer? What’s the process, what are the requirements? Of course, Read more…
The Freaky-Deaky World of Optimisation
February 28th, 2016Here’s a word that pops up everywhere and seems important. In fact, it is critical– and here’s why. To cut straight to the chase: optimisation is the difference between a great web experience for your users, and pure nightmare fuel. Either way, people will remember their browsing experience, either great or otherwise. To optimise a Read more…
To Theme or not to Theme
February 11th, 2016If you’re a veteran of the website ownership world, or if you’ve been doing a little homework before jumping in, you would have heard the term ‘theme’ an awful lot. For the uninitiated, a theme is simply the icing over your website’s basic functionality; many themes these days have an awful lot of functionality in Read more…
Just what sort of website do you need?
January 17th, 2016It’s been around for more than 20 years and just about every gimmick under the sun has been thrown at it, but the Internet is still a slippery, frightening monster if you’re only beginning to put content on it. If you’ve had a web presence for years this will all be old news to you, Read more…
Pandering to the lowest common denominator?
January 14th, 2016Speaking of fine lines, here’s an age-old question that refuses to die. To what lengths does one go to support deprecated software? My previous role was the ultimate sandbox; we worked specifically with iPads to produce web apps, and this afforded us the security of knowing exactly what we were working with. iOS changes aside, Read more…
Why the fine lines and tall tales?
January 14th, 2016Doesn’t every creative soul enjoy a double entendre? Some of my earliest memories as a child involved depicting thoughts and expression as images, although the net result was usually a waxy mess, and mostly outside the lines. I was easily entertained and often found wandering the convolutions of my own paracosmic world. Not a whole Read more…